Friday, April 20, 2012


This has been a busy week and I have accomplished so much which I will share in time, I promise!  But today I want to share with you the most delicious effort I made and also the simplest.  I made strawberry freezer jam and it is so wonderful.  I can only imagine how good it is going to be this winter when we get a taste of summer delight during the harsh cold season...well, if it is like this past winter, not so harsh or cold but still without fresh veggies and fruit goodness.  So here we go:

First I drove to the strawberry farm and purchased 4 quarts of fresh strawberries...

Next I sliced the caps off and placed the whole strawberry in a big bowl...
Next I smashed the strawberries into a mixture of strawberry juice and pieces, about 1 2/3 cups of this from one quart of hands still smell like fresh strawberries!
Next I mixed 1/2 cup of sugar and 2 tablespoons of fruit pectin...
...this stuff  :)
Here are my quilted jelly jars...aren't they precious?!?

Next I mixed my smashed strawberries with the sugar and pectin, mixing for 3 minutes...
Then I added the strawberry jam to my jars and let them set for thirty minutes.
And that is it...ENJOY! Did we ever :)
So what is better than two jars of strawberry freezer jam???  How about ten jars?  LOL I did it!  Give it a try because it is so tasty and the easiest-peasiest thing I have ever made :)  Lots more to come this beautiful spring season but for now love and kisses to you, precious readers!  Come by this winter and we will have warm bread and strawberry jam :)
It is Friday and I have to get up @ 4:55AM tomorrow so good night to all and sweet dreams...