The 107 degree dog days of last summer have turned in to the black dog days of winter. Winter no longer holds any thrill for me because snow seems to have nearly disappeared from this region. Cold without snow is just wrong. Scant dustings, measley weather advisories, less than an inch predictions, but no wildly exciting downpours of snow that used to come a time or two a year, sometimes more. Sometimes WAY more, like the winter of 1977 in Ohio County, or 1994 in Paducah, KY or even 2010 in Owensboro, KY where we did not get any major accumulations but it snowed off and on all winter. I would like some depth, or a snow-in, or a blizzard warning, but no, not happening. Just cold AND wet:
BRRRR and grey |
Winter has lost its fun, gosh, last winter nothing even died. My garden rebloomed in late February and spring started out so hopeful. Then we broke the heat record for 11 days in a row, up to 107 degrees for several days, and our hope and aspirations sizzled away, as grass took over the beautiful Square Foot gardens. Surely you remember:
How we started :) |
Still looking good... |
Hmmmmm, and then silence. Nothing else about the garden. I have always said I get over summer after the 4th of July and my birthday. The temps last summer added to my desire for fall. Aaaaahhhh, fall! But even it seemed subdued and I used a yahoo! image for the post:
Beautiful but unrelated to our lives |
I think I have been sucked up in to the higher education vortex and I am sure that is a good thing in the future kind of way. But in the present kinda way, I miss making art pages, and cooking special meals, and wandering around Hobby Lobby, and on and on. But hopefully advanced degree = job that is easier on my legs and back. I guess I am in a period of turmoil right now and I miss sitting on the couch pinning away, reading Facebook, and running down internet rabbit holes. Outside the world seems capable of just about anything, so I guess it is good to be distracted by something.
I am counting the days til spring and the rebirth of the countryside, when it will be warmer, and we will have longer days, and be able to make some Vitamin D almost every day. All of those things seem to add up to feeling better while winter merely chills my bones and keeps me indoors. I believe it is 41 days til March. And doesn't that sound like we are moving in the right direction?
First, the groundhog, then cupid, then the Irish guy, then this guy LOL | |
Hope this made you smile :) Feel those endorphins!
Even here in Colorado we are dreaming of a good, deep snow too with lots of moisture as it melts. We have had the ten below zero days for several days, so don't we deserve a some snow days? Love ya, Mom