Say hello to my first sprout of 2012 :) |
My seedling setup |
It is mid-February and I have some new babies sprouting up! Last Friday I planted 36 seeds in a mini-greenhouse with a CFL light bulb over them and now I have several little sprouts poking their heads up through the dirt. I am excited! I planted six Roma tomato seeds, six Better Boy tomato seeds, six jalapeno and banana pepper seeds, and started chives, oregano, and basil from seed. Everyone is sprouting out except for the peppers which are always slow and very cold intolerant. I am hoping the CFL bulb overhead will give them the extra warmth they need to come on out. If not then I can always purchase pepper seedlings from Walmart but I hope I won't have to. I am going to start a few more things this Friday and try having a staggered harvest and therefore make harvest and preservation much easier. Tracy has procured the wood for our Square Foot Gardens and the pallets to make a compost bin so we are ready for spring activities! It is 60 degrees today so I am feeling the fever :)
Good job! I'm jealous :)