Friday, March 30, 2012

23 1/2 Hours A Day

I hope you will watch this 9-minute video and think about what he says :) His way of thinking probably saved my life.  So please take 9 short minutes:

I am not being judgmental or harsh but if you are reading this post the chances are pretty great that you are someone I really love a bunch!  That is my only motivation plus I love his delivery of the message :)

Friday, March 16, 2012

Give Me ALL The Colors!

Some days I wake and want to be as healthy as I can be and that includes eating the most nutritious foods available to me.  My garden plans are on track but of course there is no harvest right now.  So I went to the grocery and bought the most colorful foods I could find and this is what I ended up making--Lentil and Vegetable Marinara sauce.  It is delicous and when we eat it I feel like we are eating like we should.

Start with some olive oil and add
chopped green, red and orange peppers.

chopped broccoli, and chopped
 baby carrots...
three cans of diced tomatoes (two cans
have no added salt)
add tomatoes to skillet...
I measured one cup of lentils and added to
 2 1/2 cups of boiling water...
and cook for 12 minutes, most of the water cooks
 away and then drain...
Here are my window herbs: oregano, basil,
and chives...
and here are my outdoor herbs, rosemary,
thyme and more oregano...

chop and add to skillet...
two tablespoons of sugar...
garlic and a few turns of the Italian
 herb grinder...
and most everything here gets a few shakes of
red pepper because Tracy likes things HOT!
By now my lentils are done and ready to
add to the skillet..
along with one cup of pasta...
There you have it :) yummy and totally nutritous!  Give it a try!

Friday, March 9, 2012

Today Is Beautiful

The sheep across the road have had their little lambs this spring and they are out in the field this afternoon, running and kicking, playful and so sweet!  What an awesome sight they are to remind us daily of the Lamb of God Who came to take away the sins of the world.  They are beautiful.

We moved to White House almost a year ago and the landlord called last week to see if we were going to stay another year and he also mentioned that the apartment on the other end of this triplex was available and we could move in there if we wanted to.  Well, I wanted to!!  I saw the inside of that apartment when we first moved here and it has a bigger yard, and a much bigger kitchen and dining area than our apartment has, as well a bit bigger in general.  We went to have another look last weekend and I was sooooo excited.

Then we came back to our apartment and I totally changed my mind!  What about the sheep that are right across the road outside our living room window?  What about the yard and garden area right outside my bedroom window? (The other apartment has no windows on the end facing its yard.)  Did I really want to move?  Yes, it was a short move, but still a move all the same.  I sat around here for a while and finally told Tracy, I don't want to move.  So we decided to stay right here.  One thing this apartment needs a good cleaning and reorganization and that will make a huge difference in how I feel about it.  So I got busy on that and have about half of my "spring cleaning" goals completed now.  Next week I will work on the other half and soon I will have a cleaner, more organized apartment that I love very much.  We have always loved this place and the opportunity to move showed me how much I loved it here.  I am watching the baby lambs right now as I type this post and they provide so much peace and relaxation.  And now that I am getting the closets and drawers and cabinets straightened out it is almost like moving in to a brand new place!

Newly organized craft area (Jagger approves!)
Under the bathroom sink, another new area of organization!
We went to Martin early Wednesday morning and spent the night and day yesterday. What a wonderful time we had!  I love the Jones family so much and we were so blessed to spend some time with them.  Miranda outdid herself with meal time with spaghetti and homemade wheat bread and Corey teamed up with her for breakfast yesterday with waffles, sausage and cream cheese baked on crescent rolls and scrambled eggs!  I broke all my rules and had 3-4 Dr. Peppers but am right back on the wagon today!  Promise! 

At first I was disappointed by the terrible weather of constant rain, sometimes downpours, with thunder and lightning but it was just a wonderful time of being together inside and playing board games and visiting, no plans, no having to get somewhere by a certain time, just restful relaxation and togetherness.  It was an awesome visit.  When we got there Wednesday, the weather was still really nice and we went to Martin's Greenway to walk.  That was a great time too until little Tobey, who is walking now, go to going a little too fast and fell face first and skinned her little nose and bumped her head.  I am so glad God made babies super durable because Corey and I heard the "thud" her little head made.  But after a few tears she was as good as new and we could not love her more. Or love her sisters any more or love her Mommy and Daddy any more!  They are a perfectly wonderful family and I adore them :)

Sweet little Tobey               

The Jones Sissers!!! So sweet and full of love

Spring is peeking out all around. The Bartlett pear trees and forsythia are always the first to say "Good bye" to old man winter.  Today has been beautiful with sunshine in the low 60's and a bit windy.  There were lots of walkers and runners out on the Greenway and although most of the trees remain bare, there are lots of hints of spring around.  My seedlings are doing great and we got our vermiculite from the Co-op in Madison for the Square Foot garden.  I am soooooo excited! 

Miranda and I ordered some seed catalogs separately and when I received my first one I was thrilled!  I sent her a text and told her you MUST order this catalog because it is awesome!  She had ordered it too and received it around the same time we did.  I recommend the catalog to anyone who is going to garden this summer and even to someone who just loves beautiful pictures of heirloom vegetables and flowers in full color with loads of recipes and gardening tips to top it off!  Go to to check out their website and order your free catalog.  They are on facebook too so go "like" them and get daily gardening updates and great articles about the war against genetically modified foods.  Miranda and the girls already have their order ready and I am working on mine.  The seeds are all heirloom seeds and some were collected in Europe and Asia!  I just know the colors and flavors are going to be awesome!

Baker Creek Seed Catalog
I have been blue the past few days because my insurance company sent me a letter saying they will not be paying Vandy because they did not get the stay approved and they will not be paying for my heart cath because they did not do it on the day I was admitted but waited until Monday instead...I give up!  Another $22,000 in health care costs to add to the pile.  I did not know whether to laugh or cry so I screamed!  And then this week of listening to this droning conversation about paying for birth control just about drove me crazy!  I DO NOT want to pay for anyone's medications, or health care, or hospital bills.  I can barely pay for my own.  Now if it is my own family and it is a free choice then of course I am going to help in any way I can.  But all these conversations about paying for birth control for college students...I just don't get it.  I have worked in health care for many years and realize there is much to be done.  But despite having insurance and being a health care provider I am once again slammed with bills that seem insurmountable.  So you can work and be insured and still drown in medical debt.  So I am having a bit of problem getting revved up about paying for other's health care needs.  Maybe with time, I will feel differently but not today and probably not next week! LOL

Tracy has been out of school this week for Spring Break and I have enjoyed being with him so much! We both knew nursing school would be a big sacrifice of time together and it has been.  I work Saturday, Sunday and Monday, which are his days off.  We spend a few hours together in the evening during the week but he is usually so tired after school all day and the things he needs to do in the early evening.  But time is flying by and before we know it he will be done and be an RN!!! I am so proud of him and know what an awesome nurse he will be!  So these days off together have been wonderful but I have to admit I am kinda blue on this Friday evening because it is almost over  :( Now will be counting the days to June when he completes his summer school course and we have some more time together.  

Greenway Forsythia    

The Bartlett pear trees are showing off like giant Qtips :)

Love to all on this lovely, early spring day from Tennessee!  We are blessed beyond belief and praise God from Whom all blessings flow!